On the 01st November Advanced Training Solutions took on the charitable task of teaching 140 staff and pupils of Tideway School, East Sussex in Emergency Life Support.  To enable us to do this we had to pull in the support of many friends and collegues to ensure that we had the right instructors for this task and as importantly enough instructors for the training to run smoothly.  The 8 instructors we managed to intice to help us were all past or present serving Royal Air Force fire fighters, who gave up their time to help us and in return the school generously donated a sum of money to a charity of the instructors choice.

The students were taught how to perform a number of first aid tasks which included, how to perform Primary and Secondary surveys, how to place someone in to the Recovery Position, how to perform CPR, deal with a casualty who is choking and how to deal with a bleeding wound.  After the initial introductions the sessions kicked in to life and the training focused on being as ‘hands on’ as possible to ensure as much interaction and engagement as was possible. As is always the way with First Aid training, some people find the thought of having to demonstrate a skill in front of a class quite daunting but in 99% of cases during this training, this was not the case and both staff and students remained fully engaged throughout the session and it was a credit to the school just how the students interacted with the instructors.

All in all a great day was had by students and instructors alike and a big thanks goes out to Ross, Jim, Jimmy, Dave, Phil, Steve, Nige, Charlie and the staff of Tideway School without whom this training could not have taken place.